Our "What"

Our Mission is

to Glorify Christ by making Growing Christians.


[28] Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. [29] For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

(Colossians 1:28–29 ESV)

Our "Why"
Our Vision

We envision a church that makes disciples who 

Grow, Glow and Go as they follow the Son. 



We want to make disciples who Grow in their love for God and others by teaching them to observe all that Christ has taught us.



We want to make disciples who Glow as they reflect the goodness and glory of Christ in the world by loving one another.



We want to make disciples who Go where God calls them to share the Gospel and serve others.


We want our people to move from 

Grow (worship) to Glow (small groups) to Go (serve)


In doing so, we envision disciples making more disciples, churches planting more churches. We do not do this with our own power; we rely on Jesus who has “all authority in heaven and on earth.”

This is our vision and what we want to see realized.

Our "How"
Our Core Values

"In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, charity. In everything, Jesus Christ."

Our Core Value can be summarized with the acronym "SON  F L O W E R"


We follow the Son of God who is central to everything

We exist to glorify Him by growing in Him. He is the Gospel—the Good News—embodied in a person. The rest of our values are but an extension of how we glorify Him.



Fellowship must incorporate learning

We value deep fellowship. Through fellowship we are not merely socializing. We meet together to learn about God, learn about each other, and learn how to love like Jesus did.



Learning must lead to outreach

We value learning. We take what we learn about God and our neighbours and “reach out” to our family, friends, coworkers, neighbours as a response.



Outreach must lead to worship

We value outreach. Outreach needs purpose. We “reach out” or do outreach in order to lead others to join worship.



Worship must lead to evangelism

We value worship. Through worship, we glorify God and experience His amazing love and grace for the world. We should be excited to share about this amazing love of God to others—that’s evangelism.



Evangelism must lead to reproduction

We value evangelism. We exist to make growing and multiplying disciples, and it all begins by sharing the Gospel. We want these disciples to make more disciples.



Reproduction must lead to fellowship

We value reproduction. By making multiplying disciples and multiplying churches, we expand our fellowship in the body of Christ.